tornado.platform.twisted — Twisted 与 Tornado 之间的桥梁

该模块使得 为 Twisted 所编写的应用和类库可以在 Tornado 中运行,其方法有两种, 取决于你想要使用哪个底层事件循环。

该模块已通过 Twisted 11.0.0 及以后版本测试。

Twisted on Tornado

class tornado.platform.twisted.TornadoReactor

TornadoReactor implements the Twisted reactor interface on top of the Tornado IOLoop. To use it, simply call install at the beginning of the application:

import tornado.platform.twisted
from twisted.internet import reactor

When the app is ready to start, call IOLoop.instance().start() instead of

It is also possible to create a non-global reactor by calling tornado.platform.twisted.TornadoReactor(io_loop). However, if the IOLoop and reactor are to be short-lived (such as those used in unit tests), additional cleanup may be required. Specifically, it is recommended to call:


before closing the IOLoop.

Tornado on Twisted

class tornado.platform.twisted.TwistedIOLoop

TwistedIOLoop implements the Tornado IOLoop interface on top of the Twisted reactor. Recommended usage:

from tornado.platform.twisted import TwistedIOLoop
from twisted.internet import reactor
# Set up your tornado application as usual using `IOLoop.instance`

TwistedIOLoop always uses the global Twisted reactor.

Twisted DNS resolver

class tornado.platform.twisted.TwistedResolver

This is a non-blocking and non-threaded resolver. It is recommended only when threads cannot be used, since it has limitations compared to the standard getaddrinfo-based Resolver and ThreadedResolver. Specifically, it returns at most one result, and arguments other than host and family are ignored. It may fail to resolve when family is not socket.AF_UNSPEC.

Requires Twisted 12.1 or newer.